As the great man's guest must produce his good stories or songs at the evening banquet, as the platform orator exhibits his telling facts at mid-day, so the journalist lies under the stern obligation of extemporizing his lucid views, leading ideas, and nutshell truths for the breakfast table.
Cardinal J. H. Newman, Preface to The Idea of a University, 1852

Saturday, March 4, 2023

LRB 2nd March 2023


Notes from reading

William Davies

The Reaction Economy

Starts from the way social media is all about reactions. How can we move beyond that?

Takes in cybernetics.

"The idea here is that while everyone (animals included) is capable of reaction, only a rarefied minority is capable of genuine action. Action, from this perspective, means leadership, which in turn implies a far larger quantity of followership. Combating this mentality requires us to think of action democratically, as something made possible by the fact of human plurality. Thus all action is in fact interaction."

'Forgiveness, for Arendt, holds a very important role in enabling us to break free of perpetual reaction and counter-reaction"

Joe Dunthorne

Two Poems

Bad Dreams

As I ease the blade from my father’s chest
he looks surprised – as though opening the curtains

to snow. Remember the Emperor who beheaded
a soldier for dreaming of the Emperor....


While today is a day of celebration let us not forget my father, the king, inside whose independently-swivelling ears – supple and peach-furred – I warmed my hands when I was young.

Raymond N. MacKenzie

This Woman, This Man by George Sand, translated by Graham Anderson
This Was the Man by Louise Colet, translated by Graham Anderson

Both novels recount the relationship between Alfred Musset and George Sand, fictionalised. Colet's is the one worth reading. Colet also had an affair with Flaubert. Musset also wrote a novel based on it, as did a friend of Sand's. 

James Butler

Labours of Love: The Crisis of Care by Madeleine Bunting
The Care Crisis: What Caused It and How Can We End It? by Emma Dowling
Cannibal Capitalism: How our System is Devouring Democracy, Care and the Planet by Nancy Fraser

I've not read this yet, but here's a couple of quotes picked from it:

"Recent NHS​ figures suggest around 14,000 people in hospital no longer need to be there."

"As with many of Britain’s social ills, the architecture of today’s care system is a product of Thatcherism, essentially unaltered by the Blair administration: an archipelago of small firms, each owning a single care home, alongside huge chains backed by venture capital. Long-term NHS geriatric beds are gone, and local authority homes have almost vanished."

Tareq Baconi

Short Cuts: Israel’s Liberal Bubble

The liberals protesting about the extreme right now in power in Israel don't care about Palestinians.

Adam Shatz

On Ming Smith

The black photographer.